Achieving high ambition commitments to Future Generations in the Summit of the Future journey

Analysis and recommendations of the Zero Draft of the Declaration on Future Generations, the Pact and wider process


Over the past few months, the advocacy work to ensure a high-ambition Summit of the Future, especially on the Future Generations agenda in the Pact and the Declaration on Future Generations (DFG) Annex, has come to a head after years of preparation by the various interested communities from foresight, long-term action, anticipatory governance, future generations and wellbeing fields.

These communities, supported by Future of Climate Cooperation and the School of International Futures, have developed various inputs to the Zero draft of the Pact and the DFG, both directly via the civil society-influencing mechanisms led by the co-facilitators, but also via Member State MFAs, including via a letter template targeting MFAs sharing specific proposed text for the DFG in February.

Developments over the past two months confirm that the Future Generations Declaration, and supporting commitments, have the potential to be one of the most exciting, innovative and important consequences of the Summit of the Future. It remains, therefore, the key priority focus for our loose global community of future-interested citizens.

The co-facilitators shared the zero draft of the DFG on March 26, 2024. Influencing the upcoming reviews of that text and the wider process will be possible through direct national member-state advocacy and multilateral moments.

Here is our analysis of the ongoing process.


A Voice and Forum for Future Generations in the United Nations


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