
Just Transition Webinar
In the lead up to the inaugural Africa Climate Summit to be held in September 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya, the Just Transition Platform (JTP) will release a set of principles to guide broader discussions on Just Transition at national and regional scales. This webinar is co-organized by ClimateWorks Foundation and the Future of Climate Cooperation initiative at the University of Oxford as part of ongoing collaborations under the Just Transition Platform.

Trade and Climate Action: Shifting the Paradigm for a Just Transition and Sustainable Development
This webinar brings together leading scholars and practitioners, convened by Aligning Climate and Economic Governance (ACEGOV), the UWI/SRC Lunch Time Chat seminar series, the Forum on Trade, Environment and the SDGs (TESS), and the Remaking Global Trade for a Sustainable Future Project.

ACEGOV Seminar: Unilateral Preference Schemes and Climate Conditionality
A joint virtual seminar convened by the Aligning Climate and Economic Governance (ACEGOV) network and the Trade and Public Policy (PaPP) network.

ACEGOV Seminar: Think 7 - Climate clubs’ alternative approaches in theory and practice
This webinar discusses the climate club idea proposed by the German government in the G7 context while harvesting lessons learnt and collecting ideas on different possible club designs from complementary angles.

Strengthening linkages between Asia Pacific and global cooperative climate actions
Strengthening linkages between Asia Pacific and global cooperative climate actions - Oct 6 Workshop

Workshop on the future of climate cooperation in Africa: COP26 to COP27 and beyond
Workshop on the future of climate cooperation in Africa: COP26 to COP27 and beyond

Strengthening Linkages Between LAC and Global Cooperative Climate Actions
Strengthening Linkages Between LAC and Global Cooperative Climate Actions - July 8 Workshop