Climate Action Ecosystem

This workstream works on the coordination and cooperation of the ‘ecosystem’ of global climate action initiatives. The number and scale of the sector-based cooperative initiatives that drive climate action have grown rapidly in recent years. Yet the landscape of initiatives is fragmented, complex and uneven. Better coordination and cooperation among advocates, thought leaders, and policy insiders are essential to driving sectoral transformation with the speed, scale and justice required.

Climate Action Ecosystem Abstract Illustration

Mapping the ecosystem of global climate action

This interactive map provides an overview of key initiatives and actors across the global ecosystem of cooperative climate action.

As a complex system, there is no single way to view the landscape. This tool allows customised views based on particular sectors, functions, geography, and types of actors. This is a non-exhaustive mapping of the totality of actors, institutions and initiatives driving sectoral climate action.

N.b. As this tool emerges from an ongoing iterative process, the entities listed here only capture a partial rendering of the full landscape of actors and initiatives taking action across the world. For further recommended suggestions, or to receive updates on the evolution of this platform as we seek to scale, please fill out this short form.


  • Entities can be organized according to function performed, actor type(s), overarching sector, specific sub-sector, or geographical scope, among other views.

  • Click on an individual entity to view its unique profile, or hover cursor over entity to see relevant data.

  • See A Vision for the Global Climate Action Ecosystem for explanation of the theory of change and taxonomical approach, or refer to presentation embedded below.

  • Press 'O' on your keyboard to remove overlap between labels.*

Track Activities

1. Ecosystem Coordination

Working with key orchestrators to drive improved efficiency and effectiveness in the coordination of the global climate action ‘ecosystem’.

2. Sectoral Cooperation

Promoting the robust design and implementation of the global infrastructure supporting cooperative action to drive sectoral climate transitions at speed and scale.

3. Integrity and Accountability

Catalysing interventions in benchmarking, tracking, and regulatory transitions that promote systemic integrity, accountability, and equity among non-state and cooperative climate actions.

4. Delivery and Implementation

Developing frameworks to strengthen the coordination of multi-levelled delivery of commitments supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement.